231214 船舶主任 Ship‘s Officer

ANZSCO 231214 船舶驾驶员 Ship‘s Officer - immicn

231214 船舶驾驶员职业描述 Job description - immicn

Navigates and controls the safe operation of a ship and supervises and coordinates the activities of deck crew. Registration or licensing is required. 
Previously referred to in ASCO as:2542-19 Seafarer - Ship’s Officer.

231214 船舶驾驶员职位别名 - immicn

231214 甲板船员 Deck Officer 
231214 领航员 (轮船) Navigating Officer (Ship‘s) 
231214 海员(海军) Seaman Officer (Navy) 

231214 船舶驾驶员所属职业列表 - immicn

SOL - 澳洲SOL职业列表 Skilled Occupation List - immicn
CSOL - 澳洲CSOL职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List - immicn

231214 船舶驾驶员澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - immicn


相关职业 - immicn

231211 渔船船长 Master Fisher
231212 轮机工程师 Ship’s Engineer
231213 船长 Ship‘s Master
231215 船舶检验员 Ship‘s Surveyor
231299 海洋运输专业人员 Marine Transport Professionals nec

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