253111 全科医生 General Medical Practitioner

ANZSCO 253111 全科医生 General Medical Practitioner - immicn

253111 全科医生职业描述 Job description - immicn


Diagnoses, treats and prevents human physical and mental disorders and injuries. Registration or licensing is required. 

Previously referred to in ASCO as: 2311-11 Medical Practitioner - General Medical Practitioner.

253111 全科医生职位别名 - immicn

253111 普通医师 General Practitioner 
253111 医务官员 Medical Officer (Navy) 

253111 全科医生技术等级 Skill level - immicn

全科医生的技能等级为1(ANZSCO Skill Level 1)。

253111 全科医生所属职业列表 - immicn

SOL - 澳洲SOL职业列表 Skilled Occupation List - immicn
CSOL - 澳洲CSOL职业列表 Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List - immicn

253111 全科医生澳洲技术移民职业评估 Skills assessment authority - immicn

MBA - 澳大利亚医学委员会 Australian Medical Board

相关职业 - immicn

253112 驻院医务人员 Resident Medical Officer

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